
Monday, December 10, 2007

Madame President

Meet the most headstrong, most determined, most stubborn white woman in the free world. And no I'm not talking about Hillary. But if Hillary does what I fear, er, think, she might do, which is get elected next year (sorry Mom but I do think it's going to happen), she will pave the way for President Sybil's run for the White House in 2048. I was reminded today that the things driving me crazy today will serve her well in the future. That is if she makes it to the future.

Today, for example, as we were trying to get dressed for school, she was determined to dress herself. She did an ok job until I discovered, upon putting her in the carseat, that her socks were only halfway on and her shoes were on the wrong feet. "Oh Sweetie, you did a great job getting dressed but let Mama help you with your shoes" I said as I pulled them off gently and lovingly.

"WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she wailed as she arched back in the carseat and threw the shoes in the floorboard. I yelled to William and Stuart "Get down!!!" Fearing for our lives I quickly pulled her door shut and ran around to my side to start the car, turn on some festive music and change the mood. We got about a mile down the road when she started yelling "PUT MY SHOES ON!!!!"

"Hang on, I'll do it when we get to school."


I quickly pulled to the side of the road and leaned over the seat to put her shoes back on. For a few moments things were quiet. Until she started yelling again "I NEED MY TINA TUHNUH!!!!!!!!"

Knowing better at this point than to tell her I'd get it when we got to school, I once again pulled to the side of the road and leaned over and grabbed that friggin' frizzy headed doll that had fallen beside her carseat. Feeling frustrated, fearing my blood pressure had reached an all time high, and furious that I'd been mentally beaten up by a 2-year-old, I set out once again on the way to school. My Mecca.

We got a few more feet when William broke the silence by saying "Cafrin is driving me crazy."

Join the club.

Imagine what Pres. Sybil would do to Osama.

ps....this is how she looked the other day when I went into her room to get her up, only to discover that she'd been awake for a while and was dressed for the day. If not an American President maybe America's next top model?

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